Thursday, December 26, 2019

Informacin detallada sobre el examen de ciudadana

El examen de la ciudadanà ­a es el tercer paso paso convertirse en ciudadano estadounidense. Se inicia el proceso con el envà ­o al Servicio de Naturalizacià ³n e Inmigracià ³n (USCIS, siglas en inglà ©s) del formulario N-400 y el pago de las tasas correspondientes. En aproximadamente uno o dos meses, se recibe una cita para realizar las pruebas biomà ©tricas. Y unos cinco meses despuà ©s de haber iniciado el proceso, se cita al inmigrante para un examen. Entrevista para el examen para la naturalizacià ³n Se mantendrà ¡ una conversacià ³n en inglà ©s con un oficial de inmigracià ³n sobre la aplicacià ³n enviada.Se recomienda llegar con tiempo a la entrevista. Al ser en un edificio federal, habrà ¡ seguridad a la entrada y el proceso puede demorarse bastante tiempo. Si no puedes acudir a la cita con Inmigracià ³n por una causa grave, puedes intentar cambiar el dà ­a. Examen de inglà ©s El examen de ciudadanà ­a sobre conocimientos de inglà ©s tiene tres partes. La primera consiste en hablar en ese idioma con el oficial de inmigracià ³n que està ¡ manejando el caso. Es una conversacià ³n sencilla y el inglà ©s no tiene que ser perfecto, pero debe reconocerse como inglà ©s y ser suficiente como para comunicarse. En la segunda parte hay que demostrar que se puede leer en inglà ©s. Al inmigrante se le presenta un pà ¡rrafo con tres frases en inglà ©s y debe ser capaz de leer al menos una. Cada frase es aproximadamente una là ­nea de larga. En la tercera parte, el oficial dictarà ¡ una frase en inglà ©s que repetirà ¡ hasta tres veces. Ejemplos reales son I love New York y America is the land of the free. Si el inmigrante no la escribe correctamente, se le dictarà ¡n dos frases mà ¡s. Si no es capaz de escribir correctamente ninguna de ellas, reprobarà ¡ esta prueba. Se puede practicar este examen con ejemplos preparados por el USCIS o asistiendo a clases gratuitas para el examen de naturalizacià ³n que impartes diversas organizaciones en todo Estados Unidos. Existen dos excepciones a la obligacià ³n de hacer esta prueba. En primer lugar, estar exentas las personas que no està ©n en condiciones de realizar esta prueba por cuestiones de discapacidad fà ­sica o mental. Para beneficiarse de la excepcià ³n, estas personas deberà ¡n presentar el formulario N-648 debidamente cumplimentado por un mà ©dico. En segundo lugar, si se reà ºnen los requisitos, no es necesario rendir el examen de inglà ©s y es posible responder en espaà ±ol a las preguntas sobre conocimientos cà ­vicos. Examen de ciudadanà ­a de conocimientos cà ­vicos Se trata de demostrar que el aspirante a ciudadano conoce mà ­nimamente la historia y la estructura polà ­tica de Estados Unidos. El USCIS ha confeccionado una lista de cien preguntas y el oficial de inmigracià ³n puede elegir diez de ellas y preguntà ¡rselas al inmigrante, quien deberà ¡ contestar en inglà ©s correctamente un mà ­nimo de seis para pasar la prueba. Existen excepciones que pueden consultarse en el enlace anterior en el que se explica que no es necesario rendir el examen de inglà ©s. Ejemplo de pregunta tà ­pica del examen de ciudadanà ­a es: ¿cuà ¡l es la capital del estado en el que vive? (Hay 50 posibles respuestas, depende de donde viva el inmigrante. Por ejemplo, en Nueva York la respuesta es Albany, en California es Sacramento y en Florida es Tallahassee. Esta es una pregunta donde los inmigrantes se equivocan frecuentemente ya que tienden a pensar que la ciudad mà ¡s grande del estado, como Ciudad de Nueva York, Los à ngeles o Miami es la capital, y no siempre es asà ­. Una lista completa de las 100 preguntas y sus respuestas correctas puede ser consultada aquà ­. Recuerde que alguna de las preguntas puede tener varias respuestas và ¡lidas. Lo mejor y recomendable es estudiar las respuestas preparadas por el USCIS y contestar una de ellas. Retrasos en la tramitacià ³n Si el USCIS se retrasa injustificadamente mà ¡s tiempo de lo que es habitual para este tipo de trà ¡mites entonces es posible demandar mediante un writ of madamus. Para ello es aconsejable siempre consultar con un abogado. Reprobar   Si no se pasa alguna de las tres pruebas -conversacià ³n, examen de inglà ©s o examen cà ­vico- el inmigrante tendrà ¡ la oportunidad de intentarlo de nuevo, sà ³lo una vez mà ¡s, en un plazo mà ¡ximo de tres meses. Denegacià ³n de la solicitud Si el rechazo fue porque la persona reprobà ³ el examen de inglà ©s o el de conocimientos cà ­vicos, una vez que crea que està ¡ preparado puede aplicar otra vez. Deberà ¡ reiniciar todo el proceso desde cero, rellenando el formulario N-400, pagando las tasas y volviendo a realizar las pruebas biomà ©tricas de fotos y huellas digitales. Tips La entrevista y el examen en una sede del USCIS son frecuentemente grabados en una cà ¡mara de video. Eso quiere decir que siempre hay rà ©cord de las respuestas. Nunca se recomienda mentir a un oficial de inmigracià ³n, pero especialmente en estos casos. Ya que una mentira, de la que queda prueba grabada, podrà ­a anular en el futuro todo el proceso de naturalizacià ³n. Una vez finalizada la entrevista el inmigrante recibirà ¡ un papel. En unas pocas ocasiones ya se le confirma que ha pasado el examen y que todo està ¡ listo para el juramento de la ciudadanà ­a. Pero lo mà ¡s frecuente es que simplemente diga que recibirà ¡ por correo una respuesta. Si cambia de domicilio, recuerde que es su obligacià ³n notificarlo al USCIS. Es muy importante durante el proceso de naturalizacià ³n que las comunicaciones se reciban a tiempo. En la mayorà ­a de los casos en un plazo inferior a un mes se recibirà ¡ una cita para ir a jurar. Ese papel contiene una serie de preguntas como si se ha salido del paà ­s desde la entrevista en Inmigracià ³n, si ha cambiado el estado civil por matrimonio, viudez o divorcio, si se ha cambiado el nombre o si se ha cometido algà ºn delito. Deberà ¡ cumplimentarse y es muy importante llevarlo el dà ­a del juramento para convertirse en ciudadano. Una vez que se jura lealtad y fidelidad a los Estados Unidos se recibirà ¡ un certificado de Naturalizacià ³n que no se puede ni enmarcar ni grapar y ya se puede solicitar por primera vez el pasaporte de EEUU. A partir del momento de la naturalizacià ³n el nuevo ciudadano nunca podrà ¡ utilizar el pasaporte del paà ­s en el que nacià ³ para entrar o salir de Estados Unidos. Està ¡ absolutamente prohibido. Asimismo, a partir de momento en que se convierte en ciudadano puede registrarse para votar inmediatamente, sin tener que esperar a solicitar el pasaporte estadounidense. Por à ºltimo, cabe destacar que cuando una persona se convierte en ciudadano, automà ¡ticamente convierte en ciudadanos a sus hijos residentes permanentes menores de 18 aà ±os que viven con à ©l o ella. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

The Prosecution Of Sexual Assault - 1232 Words

The prosecution of sexual assault is unlike the prosecution of any other criminal offence. There an intense focus on the character and motivation of the complainant. Traditionally, this focus has translated into a preoccupation with aspects of the complainant s behavior which is not immediately related to the circumstances of the offence. One example is whether the complainant provided a â€Å"recent complaint† after the assault. This focus also results in an extraordinary interest in the demonstration of proof of resistance by the complainant and the corresponding application of force by the perpetrator, though neither is an element of the crime. A proper appreciation of the law in this area requires an understanding of the legal evolution of†¦show more content†¦It is not mentioned in our conversations and that silence contributes to the continuation of domestic and sexual violence. As early as the year 800, rape was a capital offense in Anglo-Saxon England. In 1769 , William Blackstone, the leading eighteenth-century authority on common law in both England and the colonies, defined â€Å"common law rape† as the â€Å"carnal knowledge of a woman forcibly and against her will† (Samaha). The definition boiled down to four elements: Sexual intercourse by force or a threat of severe bodily harm (actus reus). Intentional vaginal intercourse (mens rea). Intercourse between a man and a woman who wasn’t his wife (attendant circumstance). Intercourse without the woman’s consent (attendant circumstance). The common law required proof beyond a reasonable doubt of all four elements. In the common law trials, rape victims were allowed to testify against accused rapists; it was up to the jury to decide whether to believe them. But the victim’s credibility depended on three conditions, always difficult (and often impossible) to satisfy: Her chastity, whether she promptly reported the rape, whether other witnesses corroborat ed the rape ( By the 1970s and 1980s was a time of major reform of sex offense laws. First, states changed rape prosecution procedures that had been in effect since the 1600s. Many states abolished the corroboration rule that required the

Monday, December 9, 2019

Hiv/Aids Stigma free essay sample

Stigma and discrimination associated with HIV and AIDS are the greatest barriers to preventing further infections, providing adequate care, support and treatment and alleviating impact. HIV/AIDS-related stigma and discrimination are universal, occurring in every country and region of the world. They are triggered by many forces, including lack of understanding of the disease, myths about how HIV is transmitted, prejudice, lack of treatment, irresponsible media reporting on the epidemic, the fact that AIDS is incurable, social fears about sexuality, fears relating to illness and death, and fears about illicit drugs and injecting drug use. In many parts of South Asia, stigma and discrimination is routinely faced by people living with HIV/AIDS and their families. Many others are discriminated because of their sexual orientation and choice of professional occupation. This paper examines the role stigma and discrimination play in the spread of the HIV/AIDS epidemic in the context of South Asia. We will write a custom essay sample on Hiv/Aids Stigma or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The most affected are people living with HIV/AIDS, especially women and young girls. Also greatly affected are women and girls in households with HIV, irrespective of their personal HIV status, despite them being the principal caregivers and sustaining the family. HIV/AIDS further reinforces stereotypes and fuels the already existing gender-based discrimination against girls and women in the South Asian region. Young people are often denied information on HIV/AIDS and have limited access to prevention and care services, even though half of new infections in the region occur among them. Orphans whose parents have died of AIDS often drop out of school due to stigma and discrimination faced by them at school. Many of them end up in streets and often are sexually exploited. In addition they face violence, and are vulnerable to trafficking, substance abuse and child labour. The Declaration of Commitment, adopted by the UN General Assembly Special Session on HIV/AIDS in June 2001, in which all South Asian countries participated, highlights global consensus on the importance of tackling the stigma and discrimination triggered by HIV/AIDS. All over the world, the shame and stigma associated with the epidemic have silenced open discussion, both of its causes and of appropriate responses. This has caused those infected with HIV and affected by the disease to feel guilty and ashamed, unable to express their views, and fearful that they will not be taken seriously. And they have led politicians and policy-makers in numerous countries to deny that there is a problem, and that urgent action needs to be taken. The stigma and discrimination associated with HIV/AIDS have many other effects. In particular, they have powerful psychological consequences for how people with HIV/AIDS come to see themselves, leading, in some cases, to depression, lack of self-worth and despair. Some also contemplate and commit suicide. They also undermine prevention by making people afraid to find out whether or not they are infected, for fear of the reactions of others. They cause those at risk of infection and some of those affected to continue practising unsafe sex in the belief that behaving differently would raise suspicion about their HIV-positive status. They also cause people with HIV/AIDS erroneously to be seen as some kind of ‘problem’, rather than part of the solution to containing and managing the epidemic. The impact of HIV/AIDS-related stigma and discrimination does not end here. It also affects the capacity of societies to respond constructively to the devastation caused by the epidemic. HIV/AIDS-related stigma does not arise out of the blue, nor is it something dreamed up in the minds of wicked individuals. Instead, like responses to diseases such as leprosy, cholera and polio in the past, it plays to deep-rooted social fears and anxieties. Understanding more about these issues, and the social norms they reinforce, is essential to adequately responding to HIV/AIDS-related stigma and discrimination. Otherwise, we run the risk of developing programmes and interventions that are not comprehensive, thus achieving little impact.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Space Heater Essays - Parabolas, Curves, Heaters,

Space Heater Now that it is winter, you are getting cold. What will you do? I have the perfect solution for you, a space heater. I know what you are thinking, ?OK, I have one of those, but how does it heat me so well? It is so hot, why does it not melt itself? And, why is there no heat behind it Well, the answer can be summed up in one word, parabola. Now you may be thinking, ?Huh? What is a parabola and how does it direct heat That is what I will explain. A space heater uses electricity to make heat and a parabolic dish directs that heat. The space heater is not inherently hot; it must make its heat. But how does it do this? A space heater is plugged into a wall outlet where it is given a source of electricity. Inside the heater, a transformer reduces the voltage to only how much it needs. This is important for the next step. The electricity is passed through metal rods or coils that have a very high resistance. The resistance of the metal makes it heat to a very high temperature. The heat is then directed by a metal parabolic dish that can withstand these temperatures. If too much electricity is passed through, the rods or coils will melt or the parabolic dish will melt. Of course, your question, ?What is a parabola still remains unanswered. A parabola is a type of conic section, a delicious slice of cone. It has a vertex with two curved lines protruding from that vertex. The two curves are symmetrical to a line through the vertex that passes between them. A parabola is two dimensional, though a typical parabolic dish is many parabolas with the same vertex and line of symmetry. the dish on the heater may have a back that is wider to allow for more heat production. The dish is concave and is behind the coils so the metal reflects the heat in one direction, preventing heat from scattering. The space heater is a machine that produces heat by passing electricity through a series metal of rods or coils with a high resistance. The heat bounces off a metal parabolic dish and into your face. So now that it's winter, what will you do? That's right. Space heater, and a parabolic dish.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

ODiscussion Board Reply Example

ODiscussion Board Reply Example ODiscussion Board Reply – Coursework Example Discussion Board Reply Discussion Board Reply In the recent years, women presence in the labor force has significantly increased. Inthe past, women had limited access to education and career opportunities. Things have drastically improved sine the introduction of the Equal Pay Act of 1963 (Martocchio, 2004). Corporations are increasingly catering for the needs of female employees and wage demand issues. The disparity in wages between male and female workers also shows a reduction, and this has brought significant balance in gender wage structure. The essay offers a comprehensive insight into the pertinent issues concerning Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA). Apart from this, there is also increase emphasis on the need to cater to employees who encounter medical emergencies in the line of duty. Such compensation would ensure that there is stability in the salary of the employee should any emergency incident arise (Davis, 2011). The FMLA makes certain that all employees have job secur ity should any medical emergency arise. The FMLA has opened avenues for parents of newborn babies to utilize their maternal and paternal leave in the initial stages of a childs life. Initially when the law came into effect, the rules worked differently for men and women. These rules are now more efficient, and that has enabled both parents of the baby to enjoy work security with the assurance of benefits.Both the Equal Pay, Family and Medical Leave Act have managed to cater to the previously marginalized groups of the workforce. The laws have put in effect measures that have catered to all the needs of both male and female workers. It has also effectively enhanced job security and wages for those facing various challenges in the course of their occupations. This law has brought many positive changes to the human resource field.ReferencesDavis, J. (2011). Statistics for compensation. Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley.Jasper, M. (2008). Workers compensation law. New York: Oceana.Martocchio, J. (20 04). Research in personnel and human resources management. Amsterdam: Elsevier JAI.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Thomas Jefferson and the Embargo Act of 1807

Thomas Jefferson and the Embargo Act of 1807 The Embargo Act of 1807 was an attempt by President Thomas Jefferson and the U.S. Congress to prohibit  American ships from trading in foreign ports. It was intended to punish Britain and France for interfering with American trade while the two major European powers were at war with each other. The embargo was precipitated  primarily by Napoleon Bonapartes 1806 Berlin Decree, which announced that neutral ships carrying British-made goods were subject to seizure by France, thus exposing American ships to attacks by privateers. Then, a year later, sailors from the USS Chesapeake were forced into service  by officers from the British ship HMS Leopard. That was the final straw. Congress passed the Embargo Act in December 1807 and Jefferson signed it into law on December 22, 1807. The president hoped that the act would prevent a war between the United States and Britain. At the same time, Jefferson saw it as a way to keep ships as military resources out of harms way, buy time for the preservation, and signify (after the Chesapeake event) that the U.S. recognized that a war was in the future. Jefferson also saw it as a way to cease non-productive war-profiteering which was undermining the coveted but never achieved goal of American autarky- economic independence from Britain and other economies. Perhaps inevitably, the Embargo Act was also a precursor to the War of 1812. Effects  of the Embargo Economically, the embargo devastated American shipping exports and cost the American economy about 8 percent in decreased gross national product in 1807. With the embargo in place, American exports declined by 75%, and imports declined by 50%- the act did not completely eliminate trade and domestic partners. Before the embargo, exports to the United States reached $108 million. One year later, they were just over $22 million. Yet Britain and France, locked in the Napoleonic Wars, were not greatly damaged by the loss of trade with Americans. So the embargo intended to punish Europes greatest powers instead negatively impacted ordinary Americans. Although the western states in the Union were relatively unaffected, as they had at that point little to trade, other parts of the country were hit hard. Cotton growers in the South lost their British market entirely. Merchants in New England were the hardest hit. In fact, discontent was so widespread there that there was serious talk by local political leaders of seceding from the Union, decades before the  Nullification Crisis  or the  Civil War. Jeffersons Presidency Another result of the embargo was that smuggling increased across the border with Canada, and smuggling by ship also became prevalent. So the law was both ineffective and difficult to enforce. Many of those weaknesses were addressed by a number of amendments and new acts written by Jeffersons Secretary of the Treasury Albert Gallatin (1769–1849), passed by Congress, and signed into law by the president: but the president himself essentially ceased active support on his own after signaling his decision to not seek a third term in office in December 1807. Not only would the embargo taint Jeffersons presidency, making him fairly unpopular by its end, but the economic effects also didnt fully reverse themselves until the end of the War of 1812. End of the Embargo The embargo was repealed by Congress early in 1809, just days before the end of Jeffersons presidency. It was replaced by a less restrictive piece of legislation, the Non-Intercourse Act, which prohibited trade with Britain and France. The newer law was no more successful than the Embargo Act had been, and relations with Britain continued to fray until, three years later, President James Madison obtained a declaration of war from Congress and the War of 1812 began. Sources and Further Reading Frankel, Jeffrey A. The 1807–1809 Embargo against Great Britain. The Journal of Economic History 42.2 (1982): 291–308.Irwin, Douglas A. The Welfare Cost of Autarky: Evidence from the Jeffersonian Trade Embargo, 1807–09. Review of International Economics 13.4 (2005): 631–45.Mannix, Richard. Gallatin, Jefferson, and the Embargo of 1808. Diplomatic History 3.2 (1979): 151–72.Spivak, Burton. Jeffersons English Crisis: Commerce, Embargo, and the Republican Revolution. Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia, 1979.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

High speed pursuits and the risks and liability officers take while in Research Paper

High speed pursuits and the risks and liability officers take while in pursuit - Research Paper Example Falling prey to this act are the innocent drivers and pedestrians who have nothing to do with the scene. Researches tell us that in USA about 350 people lose their lives every year as a result of police pursuits. According to other researches 2,500 get killed and 55,000 are injured per year. There has always been a serious debate on whether chasing should be done for every crime or just for the very serious ones. Because no matter how hard they try to drive safely, lives are taken. Several researches have been made to analyze how serious the result of pursuits is in light of the number of lives taken, and how often it occurs. According to a research conducted between 1994 and 2002, it has been found out that in these 8 years 2,654 deadly crashes had occurred involving 3,965 vehicles in which 3,146 people were critically injured. Out of these people 1,088 of them were not even in the vehicle, meaning they were innocent. So this research can be concluded by saying that the deaths by accident, over those 8 years were 1,088; an average of 121 people per year. This gets even more disturbing when the police are chasing for a person who hasn’t done anything violent and someone is killed because of it. Before this act police should realize if it is more important to chase after the guilty, or to save several souls. They should not forget that there are certain other ways to chase, one of which is by helicopters. Besides that, stop sticks are used by officers for this cause. This stripped diffuses a certain amount of air from the suspects tire. In this way, officers can wait for the suspect’s vehicle to slow down and then easily catch them. This method is used by a lot of agencies, like departments in Cincinnati, Ohio, Ohio State Highway Patrol, the Utah Highway Patrol, and the Pennsylvania State Police to increase effectiveness and reduce the risks of accidents. Despite all the risks and the rate of accidents,

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

The New Deal, a Socialist Program That Saved Capitalism Essay

The New Deal, a Socialist Program That Saved Capitalism - Essay Example President Roosevelt (FDR) in conjunction with other supporters of the New Deal within the government looking for effective methods to renovate the country’s economic well-being considered two options. One, they could create programs from the bottom-up by creating federally funded jobs and issuing widespread welfare benefits therefore forming social contracts with the working class including labor unions and racial minorities or two, they could provide businesses the unregulated freedom to correct the market via expansion which, theoretically, would creating additional jobs, put money in people’s pockets and stimulate the economy. This is a fundamental economic debate that continues to this day. Contrary to prevailing historic perceptions, the nation was not moving towards socialism. The New Deal actually symbolized the capitalist cultural structure. Its policies continued the separation between what was deemed the ‘worthy’ poor, typically widows and their c hildren and what were considered the ‘unworthy’ poor, which meant almost everyone else, who were ignored. The First New Deal (1933 to1934) unquestionably slanted governmental policies in the direction of large corporations.   The policies of the Second New Deal, beginning in 1935, appeared to be less pro-‘big business,’ but in practice continued to sustain the idea of top-down (trickle-down) economic growth.   Later during this second stage of reform, the federal government began to focus on stronger regulations on business and antitrust enforcement but ultimately, large corporations maintained influence on critical decisions involving production, pricing and investment capital. Additionally, the government assisted business by restricting competition much to the disappointment of â€Å"New Dealers† in Washington. â€Å"Rather than attempt to regulate businesses, New Deal advocates wanted to greatly increase the size and control of the governmen t so that it could act as a counterbalance to private sector industries† (Yantek, 2003). When FDR took office; the government was comparatively simple in construction with functions principally limited to administrative necessities. After his reign, government had been changed into a multifaceted organization. Opponents then as well as now contend his administration began the era of an obtrusive federal government, controlling business operations and impeding on people’s civil liberties. â€Å"It is no exaggeration to say that he took the government when it was a small racket and made a large racket out of it† (Higgs, 1998). FDR, as he repeatedly argued, restored hopefulness to the people of American following their deep descent into misery resulting from the Great Depression and that his New Deal policies â€Å"saved capitalism.† Harry Truman attempted to complete the FDR’s concept of the New Deal by implementing the ‘Fair Deal’ follow ing World War Two. It is often referred to as the â€Å"Third New Deal.† (Yantek, 2003) The primary mission of FDR’s New Deal program was to save the American version of capitalism. He was continually attempting to convince business leaders of this commitment to this mission while soliciting their support. He told industrialists who was against his policies that the New Deal was essential for the ‘farsighted conservative.’

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Compare and contrast between public and private education Essay Example for Free

Compare and contrast between public and private education Essay Since 1983 public education has been an issue in America. The system has been constantly changing every year with reforms. This constant change has been driven by the American people’s perception that education has declined and something should be done about it. First there was an increased emphasis on basic skills, making school years longer and more graduation requirements. Second, many began focusing on increasing teachers professionalism. Third, they began restructuring many things such as how the schools were organized and how the school day was structured etc. Now today the most of the American people believe that not enough money is given to public schooling. They associate academic improvement with the money the school is funded. But I believe otherwise. Spending more on education will not improve academic success but diverse teaching methods will. Public education funding is at an all time high in America. There is no problem with the funding for schools. There is more of a problem on how the money is distributed. To truly understand the problems of education in America,The United States prides itself on its public education system making it a core value of many families. The level of education a person has will influence their career achievements. Americans expect their public system of education to provide a solid curriculum. Most of the people in the United States place their trust in the public school system in which they support through taxes. This trust although is contradicted by the public system of education’s current shape. Much of the schools in the United States are either deteriorating, or failing all together. The drawbacks of public education create an unhealthy environment for student learning. Many people think public school can dip their hands into the public treasury for funding if they are ever in need of money; however many schools do not qualify to get these funds. â€Å"The disparate funding for public schools and between states and within metropolitan areas has turned some public schools into meccas for affluent students and others into decaying infrastructures with overcrowded classrooms and soaring drop-out rates† (

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Guide to Getting it On! :: Essays Papers

â€Å"The Guide to Getting it On!† is unlike any book on human sexuality that I have ever read. Not to say that I read a lot of human sexuality books, but the ones I have looked over (including the text for this class) are often bland and stagnant. â€Å"The Guide to Getting it On!† has an approach to human sexuality that is fun, witty, and extremely sensitive all in one. This 370 page book contains subjects on sex that are designed to make the reader think outside of the box (no pun intended) about their own sexuality and the sexuality of others. It is a playful look into the modern relationships of today, and an aid to couples wanting to spice up their love life. Topics discussed in this manual vary from getting naked and intercourse to sex toys and being gay in the 90’s. Practically any topic you can think of about human sexuality is covered in this book and makes for a heavy read. This book also has a section that reviews additional resources for the reader to investigate further. In the back of this book is a glossary of sex, slang and cultural-related words and their definitions. This guide is not for the faint of heart or closed-minded. It uses several slang, and dirty words throughout the book to describe concepts of human sexuality. It even has a chapter addressing the use of dirty words and why this book has chosen to do so. While I believe that the use of dirty and slang terms generally degrades from the value of a book, â€Å"The Guide to Getting it On!† accomplishes the task tastefully and in good humor. Most of the titles of the chapters are somewhat provocative in nature, and serve to spark interest. Prudent readers will be taken aback at first glance over the book to find chapters such as †Chapter 21: Oscillator, Generator, Vibrator, Dildo â€Å" and † Chapter 11: The Zen of Finger Fucking†. But upon further inspection they will find a very informative and thought provoking view of an aspect of sexuality that they may had little or no prior experience with. Although this book does not have any photographs, it does have quite a few explicit drawings. Some of these drawings serve to visually show the reader some of the techniques that are covered in the text.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Oryx and Crake Essay

Throughout the book we learn through flashbacks that Snowman was once jimmy, a young boy who was very different from Snowman. He was changed into the extremely depressed, negative, and socially lacking individual by certain hardships that occurred over his life time. He was abandoned by his parents, Lacked a social life, and his skills were grossly over looked in his society. All making Jimmy feel worthless and pointless spiraling him into the extreme state of depression that currently overtakes him as Snowman. All throughout Jimmy’s childhood there was an extreme lack of affection displayed. He eventually became completely abandoned by his mother and father. His mother with her running away and his father with marring Ramona and attempting to start a new family without him leaving him feeling alone and unwanted. â€Å"Things had changed a lot in the field since Jimmy came along! (came along, as if he hadn’t actually been born, but had just sort of dropped by for a visit. )† (302). Showing that Jimmy feels as though he is not wanted by his father and Ramona like he is not a part of their family at all. This caused Jimmy to avoid any time spent with his father and Ramona. Ramona invited Jimmy for the holidays, but he had no wish to go, so he pleaded overwork† (303). Since Jimmy did not feel as though he was wanted as part of their family he did not join them for normal family events. This caused Jimmy to miss out something everyone else had, a family. Jimmy has not ever really had a healthy social life. Apart from the women he slept with, he had not made friends other the Crake. This had a huge impact on Jimmy’s life, because Crake was away at another school and Jimmy was left to be by himself, causing Jimmy to become extremely lonely. He might go to the movie at the mall, just to convince himself he was part of a group of other people. † (307). When Jimmy worked at Anoo Yoo he did not make a single friend, he spent out his days alone only finding company over the internet or by pretend. He felt completely left out from all of his peers, like an outsider. â€Å"So this was the rest of his life. It felt like a party to which he’d been invited, but an address he couldn’t actually locate. Someone must be having fun at it, this life of his; only, right at the moment, it wasn’t him. † (305). Jimmy’s lack of social life and people skills caused him severe loneliness and depression. The society Jimmy lived in was completely focused on science, leaving no need for any other focuses. Because Jimmy’s talent was not with science but with words, it left his skill greatly underappreciated. He did not feel as though his skill was useful for anything important anymore. â€Å"He should have been pleased by his success with these verbal fabrications, but instead he was depressed by it. The memos that came from above telling him he’d done a good job meant nothing to him because they’d been dictated by semi-literates; all they proved was that no one at Anoo Yoo was capable of appreciating how clever he had been. (301). Although Jimmy was being praised he did not feel as he was being utilized properly, he felt as though he could do more. Overall making him feel useful and underappreciated. Overall Snowman’s personality is not without reason. He was never taught how to love by his parents, causing him to be incapable of a normal relationship with a woman. His lack of social life caused him to put himself down and make himself feel unwanted. He was never fully accepted for his talents even by his parents, because of the focus society had on science. Causing himself hatred, depression and loneliness.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Admission Essay for Nursing School

Education has always been a great asset in my life. It happened to be the only heritage my parents were able to give me because of their income level, but I think that it was the best thing one can give a child.Opening the gateway to the professional world, education I obtained equipped me with competitive skills and knowledge that paved the way for my career as funeral director. Today, I am once again seeking the help of education to spearhead my career and to accomplish a transition to the field of nursing that has been my long-standing dream.At this point, I have set for myself distinct goals: to obtain a Bachelor’s degree in Nursing and later continue to a Master’s course, specializing in Anesthetics, Registered Nurse Practitioner or ER/trauma.I am sure †¦ school will be the right place to achieve my career goals, considering its outstanding reputation, rigorous academic standards, and Christian aspects of the program. Together with my extensive working backgro und, I believe the school can open the doors to many fields in the healthcare industry, helping me make a serious contribution to the profession.On my part, I am willing to bring my integrity, commitment, responsibility, and a hard-working spirit to the program. Given my personal maturity and a long successful career, I have arrived at the decision to switch to nursing as a result of lengthy deliberation that led me to the conviction that this is an excellent opportunity to enrich my professional life.I realize that the program will pose a challenge to my stable life, but I also know that I am convinced that I need to accomplish the transition to nursing and willing to bear the burden. I believe that my determination is what will help me to succeed in the academic courses, and my working experience and excellent reputation will help me realize my professional aspirations later on.   

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Free Essays on Educational Philosophy

, and then obviously thought it was important enough to pass along. Every bit of knowledge that gets passed on has the bit of influence from the person who passed it. Thus we get to the evolutionary stage we are at today. We would never be here if it weren’t for teachers and students learning and passing along their knowledge. My beliefs about students: â€Å"There are no bad students only bad teachers.† (unknown) I love this quote. It really only applies through elementary school, and perhaps middle school, but it is part of the reason I want to teach. In the formative years, a good majority of students really do not like the school aspect of school. It makes the teachers job all the more difficult, but also all the more rewarding! It is so important to â€Å"sell† the subject. Make learning fun, and children want to participate in it, so it will hopefully stick with them forever. At the same time â€Å"everyone is different in their predispositions to learn and grow.† (Parkay and Stanford 2002, 86) My beliefs about knowledge: I would use the â€Å"knowledge is power† quote, but I bet half the class is going to, so I won’t expand to much on it, it is a given. I will however expand on the idea that knowledge does no one any good, if only one person has it. Knowledge must be shared. It is such a wonderful thing, and really the only thing that keeps a society moving forward. A perfect example of this and really touching story is that of Oral Lee Brown. In 1987, this California native decided to extend an offer to a... Free Essays on Educational Philosophy Free Essays on Educational Philosophy My Educational Philosophy My beliefs about learning and teaching: Teaching is learning is teaching. Education is definitely a cycle. In almost every situation I can think of, you are either teacher or learning or a bit of both. The cyclic part comes into play, when you pass on the knowledge you at one point were taught. It marinated in your head for however long, you put it into your own words, and then obviously thought it was important enough to pass along. Every bit of knowledge that gets passed on has the bit of influence from the person who passed it. Thus we get to the evolutionary stage we are at today. We would never be here if it weren’t for teachers and students learning and passing along their knowledge. My beliefs about students: â€Å"There are no bad students only bad teachers.† (unknown) I love this quote. It really only applies through elementary school, and perhaps middle school, but it is part of the reason I want to teach. In the formative years, a good majority of students really do not like the school aspect of school. It makes the teachers job all the more difficult, but also all the more rewarding! It is so important to â€Å"sell† the subject. Make learning fun, and children want to participate in it, so it will hopefully stick with them forever. At the same time â€Å"everyone is different in their predispositions to learn and grow.† (Parkay and Stanford 2002, 86) My beliefs about knowledge: I would use the â€Å"knowledge is power† quote, but I bet half the class is going to, so I won’t expand to much on it, it is a given. I will however expand on the idea that knowledge does no one any good, if only one person has it. Knowledge must be shared. It is such a wonderful thing, and really the only thing that keeps a society moving forward. A perfect example of this and really touching story is that of Oral Lee Brown. In 1987, this California native decided to extend an offer to a... Free Essays on Educational Philosophy The five educational philosophies; idealism, realism, pragmatism, reconstructionism, and existentialism all share similarities and differences. Each philosophy gives us a different insight on how we should educate students. They have different teaching methods and different curriculum. Each philosophy has its pros and cons and from our class exercise, we can see that different philosophies apply to different people. To me, realism makes the most sense and because of that, it will be the basis of my assignment. The main educational philosophies of our time were created by Socrates, Plato and Aristotle. Socrates saw teaching as a cooperative art. The teacher was not to lecture and teach the student as they do now; instead. the teacher was to merely assist the student in his creation of knowledge and ideas. This is done by having discussions with the student in which both the student and teacher learn. The student is to always learn actively and their understanding is to come from their gaining of insight. Plato, on the other hand believed that knowledge was simply the recalling of things we knew before birth. In other words, we do not need to experience things in order to learn them. They come to us naturally just as our sense or right or wrong does. Plato believed that knowledge gained by rational thought was better than knowledge gained by the sense because our senses could sometimes deceive us. The highest form of this knowledge, according to Plato, was that of â€Å"the Good† which is the source is all other knowledge. Aristotle, like myself, was a realist. He believed in gaining knowledge by the use of the senses. He disagreed with Plato’s belief that human beings were born with innate knowledge. Instead, they must use their senses to understand the things around them. Realism is predominantly based on gaining knowledge through fact-gathering, observing, measuring, skills development, accountability, and experimenta...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Why Renting a Flat in Germany Is Totally Common

Why Renting a Flat in Germany Is Totally Common Although Germany has got the most successful economy in Europe and is basically a wealthy country, it has also got one of the lowest homeownership rates on the continent and is also way behind the US. But why do Germans rent flats instead of buying them or even build or buy a house? Buying their own accommodation is the goal of many people and especially families all around the world. For Germans, it might seem that there are things way more important than being a homeowner. Not even 50 percent of the Germans are homeowners, whereas over 80 percent of the Spanish are, only the Swiss are even renting more than their northern neighbors. Lets try to track the reasons for this German attitude. Influence of World War II Like many things in Germany, the tracking of the attitude to rent reaches back to the Second World War. As the war ended and Germany signed the unconditional surrender, the whole country was rubble. Almost every bigger city was destroyed by the British and American Air Raids and even the smaller village had suffered from the war. Cities like Hamburg, Berlin or Cologne where nothing but a big pile of ashes. Many civilians became homeless because their houses were bombed or collapsed after the fights in their cities, over 20 percent of all housing in Germany was destroyed. That was why it was one of the first priorities of the new built West-German government in 1949 to prove every German a safe place to stay and live. Therefore, big housing programs were started to rebuild the country. Because the economy was also laying on the ground, there was no other opportunity than having the government put in charge of new housings. For the newborn Bundesrepublik, it was also very important to give the people a new home to face the opportunities communism promised just on the other side of the country in the Soviet zone. But there was, of course, another opportunity coming with a public housing program: Those Germans who hadnt been killed or captured during the war were mostly unemployed. Building new flats for over two million families could create jobs that were urgently needed. All this lead to success, the lack of housings could be reduced during the first years of new Germany. Renting Can Just Be a Good Deal in Germany This leads to the fact that Germans today just as their parents and grandparents have reasonable experiences with renting a flat, not only from a public housing company. In the major cities of Germany like Berlin or Hamburg, most of the flats available are in public hand or at least managed by a public housing company. But besides the big cities, Germany has also given the private investors the opportunity to own properties and rent them out. There are many restrictions and laws for the landlords and tenants they have to follow which proves that their flats are in a good condition. In other countries, rental flats have the stigma of being run down and mainly for poor people who cant afford to own an accommodation. In Germany, there are none of those stigmas. Renting seems just as good as buying - both with advantages and disadvantages. The Laws and Regulations Made for Renters Talking about the laws and regulations, Germany has got some specials that make a difference. For instance, there is the so-called Mietpreisbremse, which passed the Parliament. In areas with a strained housing market the landlord is only permitted to increase the rent up to ten percent above the local average. There are a lot of other laws and regulations which lead to the fact that the rents in Germany - compared to those of other developed countries - are affordable. On the other side, German banks have high preconditions for getting a mortgage or a loan to buy or build a house. You just wont get one if you dont have the right sureties. For long term, renting a flat in a city can therefore be a better opportunity. But there are of course some negative sides of this development. Like in most other western countries, the so called gentrification can also be found in Germanys major cities. The good balance of public housing and private investment seemed to tip over more and more. Private investors buy old houses in the cities, renovate them and sell or rent them out for high prices only wealthy persons can afford. This leads to the fact that normal people can no longer afford living inside the big cities and especially young people and students are stressed to find a proper and affordable housing. But thats another story because they couldnt afford buying a house either.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Lifes too Short to Miss an Opportunity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Lifes too Short to Miss an Opportunity - Essay Example My friends in school, teachers and my parents recognized my potential early on to visualize things in the least bit of detail and helped me hone this skill. I traveled to many places in Russia where I got the opportunity to look at the country's history, its magnificent architecture, its various cultures and the recent developments. After completing my high school in Russia, I came to the US at the age of 15 in pursuit of higher education but due to differences in standards, I had to complete my High School in the US as well. Pursuing a higher education career in Public Relations, I had to discontinue my education due to personal reasons and hence took an indefinite break from studies as a result. My life changed all of a sudden when at the age of 25 I was diagnosed with cancer. Looking at the bleakest time in my life, I realized that I should have done what I wanted rather than a career that I could never complete. Recovering from cancer was like living in another life, a never-endi ng journey resisting and fighting cancer all the way. Eventually, as I started getting better, I realized that all is not lost yet. My hardest time in my life had made me stronger. My will and devotion to my thoughts were firm when I finally decided that I needed to continue my education. This time I followed my heart and chose a field that I had an 'eye' for, not to mention my interest and passion.

Friday, November 1, 2019

Media Report or Treat Violent Crime Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Media Report or Treat Violent Crime - Essay Example The way the media portrays a crime is the way the world will perceive it, the more they exaggerate to increase viewer ratings the more the world lives in fear. Statistics have shown that the crime rate has decreased during the past few years. There was double digit crime inflation during the 1970's. People have that feeling that the crime rate has increased due to the way the media has been portraying each n' every incident! They dramatize the event just to increase their number of viewers. An FBI new release said that the crime rate has increased by only 2.5 per cent nationally. The crime rate has dropped 40-50 per cent since the time it was at its peak. It is funny how none of the media have shown these figures with the same boldness as they do other headlines. As per "Official crime statistics", most of the crime is non-violent, but media reports in many instances have suggested it to be the opposite. It is not only the media's fault. We as viewers are so interested in such news that they can't help it. If they want to make money they will show what the people want to see. There are many other bad things that affect our society, like poverty and inflation. Poverty stories are boring and are not attention-grabbing like blasts, murder, rape and many other such stories.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

The impact of the anti-immigration laws that have been introduced by Research Paper

The impact of the anti-immigration laws that have been introduced by Arizona and the participation of Hispanics in the U.S. political system - Research Paper Example The immigration issue has been taking the spotlight in recent decades in America. It has been a lingering concern for Americans who are starting to question the long-held mantra that the United States is the land of almost infinite opportunities. There is a growing fear among the citizenry that such limitless opportunities are no longer the case today or that they no longer are as easy as they were in the past. The US government has actually wavered in terms of addressing the issue head-on. For instance from 1960 to 1970, a major immigration policy reform was enacted with the amendments to the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 and afterwards, many thought that it was enough. No significant immigration policy was introduced well until the 1990s. Recent developments, however, are significantly putting pressure on immigration policymaking. The US is considered to have the highest immigration rates globally and that more than a million people legally immigrate to the country annual ly, leading foreign-born citizens to constitute 13 percent of the entire American population. (Bardes, Shelley and Schmidt 2008, p. 482) This figure excludes the immigrants that cross the US border illegally. The former American Ambassador to Mexico, Jeffrey Davidow (2007) summed up the prevailing sentiment: While race race-baiting and violent anti-immigrant sentiment had largely disappeared from the American political vernacular, there was a nagging anxiety about the growing number of foreigners in the United States. Americans were asking, â€Å"Where did all these people come from? (11)† With the current protracted economic downturn, the high and constant flux of the inflation rate, the governments accumulating debt and budget deficits, as well as the high number of job losses, the public is increasingly fearful that immigrants would take away jobs that should have been taken by Americans in the first place. Surveys conducted from 1960s until today demonstrate the increasin g concern of Americans for immigration (Simcox 1997, 129) It is in this respect that the strict anti-immigration policy was enacted by the state of Arizona. This paper will examine the laws enacted by the state against immigration and its impact, particularly in the participation of Hispanics in the American electoral process. Background: The Arizona Anti-Immigration Laws Prior to the enactment of the series of Arizona anti-immigration laws, two significant immigration statutes were enacted in the US: the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 (IRCA) and the Illegal Immigration Reform and Responsibility Act (IIRIRA). Both of these legislations aim to manage immigration with the former focusing on permanent immigrants instead of the temporary entry in order to check the flow of undocumented migrants; while the latter, enhancing the existing law and including the permission for the Immigration and Naturalization Services (INS) authorization â€Å"to bar reentry to the United Stat es if an alien overstayed his/her visa deadline for departure† (Adams 56). Many were not satisfied with the results of these measures. To borrow Adams’ words: The spirit and framework of both the 1986 and 1996 immigration laws failed to address the grassroots flow of aliens at the source – the official government attitude and immigration policy avoidance by Mexico. In spite of the fact that from 1994 to 2001 (pre-9/11) the annual U.S. border enforcement budget of the INS and the Border Patrol nearly tripled to over $2.5 billion, the immigrant flow continued nearly unchecked (56). A good part of the years after, a growing debate emerged as to how to best address the issue. In 2004, as part of the increasing impact of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack in New York, immigration policy took an increasing relationship to terrorism and border security. For example, the United States Visitor Immigration Status

Sunday, October 27, 2019

How Are Women Portrayed As Victims English Literature Essay

How Are Women Portrayed As Victims English Literature Essay The portrayal of women as victims is one of the key themes presented throughout Othello, Jane Eyre and The Colour Purple. The writers employ narrative and plot as vehicles to challenge the social attitudes of the period in which they are set. The women in the texts are subjected to three forms of suffering: physical, verbal and psychological; in which the audience/reader discover how women were treated and have the opportunity to reflect on how the drive for social change was born. Shakespeares play Othello presents women through the eyes of the fellow male characters, however there is some self-representation by the female characters; although much less frequently. The Colour Purple by Alice Walker is an acclaimed epistolary novel, showing the life and journey of Celie, a poor black woman who has known nothing of love in her life. Walker uses her as a vehicle to challenge the American society and to depict the brutality of the cruelty which black women endured daily. Finally, Jane E yre by Charlotte Bronte depicts the story of a young woman on a journey of love and self-realisation; in a characteristically bildungsroman genre, but with elements of gothic genre also. The eponymous heroine in Jane Eyre is shown as a woman suffering throughout her life in this society, as an educated, astute, yet poor young woman who is neglected and unacquainted with love. Jane is in a struggle to shake off the social conformities thrust upon her, meanwhile having to cope with psychological and physical abuse from her superiors in social status. The most prominent form of abuse present in Othello, towards the female characters, is psychological abuse; the fundamental ideas, attitudes and values the men have and how they behave around the female characters. Othello is a Jacobean revenge tragedy written in approximately 1603. Despite Elizabeth I reigning over England up to this point, women in Britain still remained dormant in society, having virtually no rights or status; the only status they could gain would be through marriage. This is where we are able to see the cause of why women were treated as property in this time, due to the importance of money; where fathers can secure fortune by marrying their daughters to wealthy aristocrats. In Othello the three women, Desdemona, Emilia and Bianca are subjected to equal amounts of abuse, although Bianca is the only one to survive in the play. Desdemona is not introduced to the audience by name until she is present on stage, which is the first indication of the subservient female status. She is only referred to as a piece of property by the other male characters, Look to your house, your daughter and your baggage, showing how Iago is referring to her as a piece of baggage, amidst his household and other property. This reference highlights not only her apparent unimportance, but also her inferior position as a female as, much like the audience, she seems unable to intervene and must watch her husband break down through paranoia. Secondly, the fact that Brabantio is not offended by this remark displays how he expects Desdemona to defer to his wishes and how this attitude was routine in this period. While Desdemona is a victim due to her sex, there are other factors also bey ond her control which cause her further suffering. There are apparent similarities to the way marginalised characters are presented, whether it is due to sex, race or belief. So, while we see the contrast in living environment between male and female characters in a white patriarchal society, we can also observe the subtle similarities, particularly between black men such as Othello and women such as Desdemona, and how black men are subjected to ridicule by white men and how this accumulation affects women. Iagos murder of Emilia and deceit of Othello could also stem from the general hatred of women that he displays; Jeremy Abrams suggested that Iagos motive for betraying Othello is an underlying homosexual love for him, and the jealousy of Desdemona that comes alongside this. Many critics has dismissed this suggestion, but there is evidence in the play which testifies to this theory, such as the two-part exchange between himself and Othello in Act 3 Scene 3 Iago doth give up the ex ecution of his wit, hands, heart, to wronged Othellos service. This is similar to an exchange of vows at a wedding as they are both kneelt, creating an image of matrimony. Despite this, Iago is a talented villain for he is able to debase the strong, wilful Othello, manipulate his devoted wife into becoming part of the scheme and dooming Desdemona, all through the cunning use of one of the core concepts of any relationship: trust. This clever, yet lethal use of trust leads Othello into paranoia and to the eventual murder of his innocent wife Desdemona. In the Victorian setting of Jane Eyre two hundred years later, women seem to have attained some benefits or choices in their lives; although once more money is paramount in giving them the opportunity to do this. Women like Jane were gentlewomen who were semi-poor, and had to work. The only worthwhile role was as a governess, and it did not carry much respect. Brontes exploration of the social position of governesses in Victorian England shows how class divide between females can lead to further neglect. There is evidence of this from the disparaging remarks from Blanche, You should hear mama on the chapter of governesses: Mary and I have had, I should think, a dozen at least in our day; half of them detestable and the rest ridiculous, and all incubi. Jane is in a rather complex situation, as her education has been impressive and she has experienced childhood in a wealthy lifestyle, she possesses a sense of self-worth and dignity, trust in God, sound morals and a passionate dispositi on. But throughout the course of the novel, her integrity is tested time and time again as a young woman, and Jane must learn to balance the frequently conflicting aspects of herself and the restraints of being a governess, in order to find contentment in love and liberty. There are instances which highlight this divide and relate to Desdemonas situation, such as the time Jane spent at Lowood as a young girl, where the reader examines how Mrs. Scatcherd forces her to stand on the stool for the rest of the lesson due to hearing misleading news of Janes childhood, followed by Brocklehursts unfair tormenting of Jane under this false information; This girl, this child, the native of a Christian land, worse than many a little heathen who says its prayers to Brahma and kneels before Juggernaut this girl is a liar. Despite Desdemona and Jane being subjected to the same kind of abuse, the difference between the two is that Desdemona is subjected to this by a male, whereas Jane is subjecte d to this by another female; highlighting this extra element to female suffering from other females. Jane is in a continual struggle to overcome oppression and achieve equality. She must also fight against male domination, alongside class hierarchy, as her quest for self-integrity poses as a threat to men in the patriarchal society. There are three key males in the novel, Mr. Brocklehurst, Edward Rochester, and St. John Rivers, who threaten her goal of equality. Each stops Jane expressing her own thoughts and feelings by keeping her in an obedient state. Her unwillingness to comprise her integrity fuels her refusal of Rochesters proposal as Jane believes that she should not make herself a mistress to Rochester while he, legally, remains married to Bertha; not even to gratify her emotional needs. Paradoxically, her time spent at Moor House leads her to experience economic self-sufficiency and meaningful, educative work to prove that she can truly become her own woman; yet in this env ironment she lacks emotional sustenance. In regards to St. John proposal marriage, Jane declines knows the marriage would be based on the convenience rather than any emotion, and can therefore decline the offer, rather than deny her emotional needs for a husband. Jane later clarifies her choice when she says, I am my husbands life as fully as he is mine. . . . To be together is for us to be at once as free as in solitude, as gay as in company. . . . We are precisely suited in character-perfect concord is the result. The Colour Purple also portrays the constant psychological distresses of 20th century black women, and the constant fear of abusive husbands. Although we see the liberty of white women growing over the years between the writing of Othello and of Jane Eyre, for black women this oppression remains continuous. When black people were brought over to the western world as slaves, they lacked literacy and so were deemed inferior, leading to their constant persecution. Despite white and black women being in separate social background, the brutalisation and emasculation of black men in society meant their treatment of women was no better than the way white men treated women. Celie, the central character in The Colour Purple serves to show how, similarly to Desdemona, Bianca and Emilia, black women were victims of extreme forms of abuse, primarily due to the victimisation which black men were forced to endure through the slave trade in the white dominated society of the 20th Century. From an e arly age, Celie ensures her survival by making herself practically invisible; the only means of self expression or fortitude which she possesses are in her letters to God. The cause of this lies with her stepfather, Alphonso, who physically, verbally and sexually abuses her from a young age, but she represses any retaliation; contrasting greatly to view of Jane (even from a young age) but comparable to Desdemonas inert attempts to defend herself at the climax of the play. Later in life she reacts in a similarly lifeless manner when subjected to the abuse of her husband Mr._____. However, we see a change in the psyche of Celie when she meets the unconventional female character, Shug Avery. Celie has had every female relation or role model taken away from her, such as her mother or her sister Nettie, so when Shug appears as a new part of her life, Celie attaches herself to Shug and relishes the chance to find a female companion. Shug offers Celie an insight into an unknown world of su ccess, opportunity and hope, and reawakens the lost youth and vitality which Celie has spent so long restraining. This new relationship draws parallels to the unity between Jane and Helen Burns at Lowood. Helen gives Jane insights into Christian thinking and how our actions determine our place in heaven, which is similar to the way Shug opens up a world of success for Celie and an opportunity to escape her life of torment; something which she never thought possible. The second form of abuse to be addressed is verbal abuse. The letters from her sister Nettie, which Celie discovers in Mr. ______s trunk, reimburse a sense of hope and resilience for Celie, as she learns of the lives of her children which have been a mystery to her for many years. Gradually, we see Celie able to formulate and communicate her thoughts and feelings which leads to her violent outburst at Mr. ______, in which the years of abasement and maltreatment which he has put her through, is finally lifted from her shoulders. Celie takes the act of sewing, which is traditionally thought of as a mere chore for women who are confined to a domestic role, and turns it into an outlet for creative self-expression and a profitable business. So, now the reader sees her finding solace and happiness in traditional conventions which woman have been saddled with for centuries, and after remaining docile for years, she, like Jane, is finally contented and self-fulfilled And when her family are reunited with her, she has truly everything she has ever dreamed of and needed, evident as she says, Dont think us feel old at all. . . . Matter of fact, I think this the youngest us ever felt. It is interesting to see how, although she is subjected to arguably harsher levels of abuse, Celie represses these feelings and shows no signs of resistance, whereas Jane struggles continually to overcome oppression. Furthermore, Desdemona surfaces as a much more submissive character, which conforms to archetypal views about marriage and the role of women, and breaks the theme of militancy and fighting oppression amongst the three texts. These three female characters represent the authors attitudes to the oppressive nature of which women were subject to, and would have acted as a symbol of hope for all women who feel pressured in a male-controlled society. They would inspire confidence and show that perseverance through the repression thrust upon them will lead to success; although in Desdemona and Emilias cases there is an exception. Perhaps, through the deaths of Desdemona and Emilia, Shakespeare aimed to draw attention to female suffering and, although their lives will have been i n the balance earlier on in history, perhaps this was one of many stepping stones towards female equality.

Friday, October 25, 2019

What was an American? :: essays research papers

What Was an American? During the eighteenth century, thousands of Western Europeans fled their homes of England, Scotland, Germany, France, and the Netherlands to come to the newly discovered America. For most, it was a long, stressful journey that seemed to have no end. They arrived to a country experiencing colonization, growth, slavery, oppression, and hope. Some came for better economic aspirations, some came to escape the cruel living conditions of their previous homes, and some were shipped out of their homeland to be sold and treated as property. The American was a man of innovation, searching for personal interests and a common unity, which were not accessible from his land of origin. St. John Crevecoeur described the American as something new, his belief of an American, â€Å"is a new man, who acts upon new principles; he must therefore entertain new ideas, and form new opinions.† Arriving to a new continent, where there was no ruling of kings and queens, the American were establishing â€Å"new laws, a new mode of living, and a new social system." Americans are descendents of Europeans who all shared the same vision for starting a new life, hence a "strange mixture of blood," where â€Å"individuals of all nations are melted into a new race of men.† The American was the merchant who came from Germany, who had never witnessed the land he was relocating to, he could have possibly been divided from his children for the rest of his life; all because he wanted a better life for his family and the opportunity to attain freedom. The journey across the Atlantic even given the most favorable winds took seven weeks. The ships were crowded with putrid smells, mouth-rot, scurvy, diarrhea, and shortage of food. These men endured such misery, they cried for home: â€Å"Oh! If only I were back at home, even lying in my pig-sty!† When they finally arrived to Philadelphia, they had to pay for the unbearable voyage so they were forced â€Å"to remain on board until purchased by Englishmen, Dutchmen, and the High Germans,† where they were separated from families, and wives and children, based on health. Kids the ages of ten to fifteen would have to bind themselves to contracts to work until the age of twenty-one. They believed all th is sacrifice was for the better of the future and more promising than their prior gloomy lives. The American was a determined force, wanting to take over the land with brute force, with no regard to the Indians who had lived there years before.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Adult Education as a Profession

Adult education is a vital profession that needs full attention and thorough analysis to arrive at the best organization of lesson plans. By working towards a goal of transferring the knowledge from one individual to another, it is important to have a prior understanding on the perceived information by both parties..." data-wp-more="more" data-mce-placeholder="1">Talking about diversity, working towards attaining different knowledge of different field is important in gathering information and sharing knowledge to one another. Diversity gives an opportunity to explore areas unexplored by many.By sharing information and specializing on something unexplored by the current tradition, the curiosity of opening the chance of studying a new part of the knowledge will yield to a better understanding of the things they should know.Focusing on a specific subject would make someone an expert for that field and specialized on that branch of knowledge. Since adult education focus on the ways on tr ansferring knowledge on adults, it is important to integrate the core concept of learning to other field of education for them to have a bigger perspective on their opportunities in the world. Understanding the key elements of adult education will yield to a better perspective on the things explored by this system.Incorporating adult education with other field of education is vital for them to be able to materialize the concepts they learned while pursuing the search for higher level of education.If granted by the fact that existing knowledge had been explored through the integration of different key materials, and then the method used by other branches of education can be applied to the methods used in adult education and in result, they could get the implication of using such method in a field unfamiliar to that. By simply understanding the concept given in the search for better learning could be the best way in dealing with the methods used in adult education.While integrating ad ult education with other field of education, it is important to have a higher perspective and see the implication if focusing of adult education whether to individual or the society. Believing in the capability of adult educators and the adults, they somehow have an advantage talking about their experience.So, it is expected to them to view their daily experiences with a higher level of sociological imagination. Therefore, the primary focus of adult education should be in the society for them to further assess their environment as the battlefield of their daily experiences and interactions.They will somehow learn to manage their experiences and translate it in a universal language understood by the society itself. By opening the opportunity for the society to have an upward view of the situation, it will yield to better information gathered by them.Adult Development and LearningIt is very different to teach adult than teaching elementary. Relatively, it is easier to teach children b ecause they don’t have prior learning and the teacher could input all his or her desired knowledge that he or she wants the children should possess. By simply telling stories and ways in which the children could learn, the teacher can actually control the learning stage of the children.It is far from teaching adult people. Not only because there will be times that an adult educator could be younger than his or her students but also, talking about experiences, some of them perceived the knowledge and information they receive based on their prior perception and encoding of the information. This will give them other interpretation, far from the expected interpretation of the teacher.Experience wise, as human beings, we had already encountered many experiences in our life through our lifespan. Therefore, most of the adults being taught by the educator had prior experiences and learning that might contradict the current teachings of knowledge they received from educators. It is a great conflict between clashing of information and different knowledge because the perception of adults may be different from the actual definition of the situation.Since they have the prior opportunity of learning things, the things they may discover could alter their prior belief and may result to unbalanced definition of the scenario. That is why it is important to take into consideration the knowledge of the adult as they are being taught with new things because they may associate it with their previous information and use it as their basis.Learning is a lifetime process. It involves a lifelong situation which one is expected to pick new things as days passed for him or her to be able to use I on the next days to come. By learning new things ad information, the development of knowledge will push through as one gets older.This vital process of learning is important in processing the information with the adult because of their primary reason of associating themselves with such adu lt education. By maintaining a certain level of relationship, the primary goal of the situation, which is to teach them new information, will be beneficial to them and they can use in their everyday actions and lives.Learning process is extremely necessary for every human to attain the level of development required for one’s stage. The implication of this will make a huge impact in the sense that it will make a control over one’s personal attachment to the things he or she see as a part of his or her daily life with the people. By experiencing the level of cohesiveness despite the fact that they have different personalities, the adjustment of learning will become sufficiently enough to bind such ideas.In prioritizing the academic level of learning that should be taught to and should be learned by adult, therefore, it is vital for them to have a subjective analysis of their previous situation before starting to make any action that could affect their personal integratio n of the scenario.Technology ManagementSince the world today is trying to cope up with the fast changing modern technological advancement, different steps had been taken in order to follow these changes. Many systems had been implemented such that, they can easily cope up with the things that are too advanced for the modern world.The use of technology in education is important not only because it is a knowledge being taught but also, it is a way of an easier communication and transferring of information. By maximizing the use of technology, they could easily say and understand the things they should understand in order to attain a level of education which is for them is sufficiently enough.By using group processes that will lead to the use of technology, it is beneficial for them because they will have the opportunity to see the result and at the same time plan for the process they should make. In order for them to have a full understanding, they should be taught first of how to use and implement such technology for them to be able to use and apply it easily.After using the processes involved, the in depth analysis or evaluation should take place for them to be able to assess the things that they did and some recommendations for the process to be more effective and efficient. By doing the analysis, they could give suggestions and then further evaluate the use of technology needed in a situation. They can now apply the concepts they learn in managing and maximizing the potential of their resources such as technology.While the development of technology is now a world’s natural processes, it should be incorporated in the development of curriculum for them to be able to integrate the lessons being taught and the technology of the world. By simply giving way to the use of technology in different class situation, they can introduce the use and importance of such in the lives of the people by making an impact on how it is really important to them.Therefore, by making the things possible and approachable to many people, they had open the gateway for better understanding of the real use and importance of technology in the lives of the people and its application.Lastly, as the incorporation of technology in the processes and curriculum that will introduce its use and importance, the development of different strategies that would answer the call of modern technological advancement is needed. By having a concrete way of developing and introducing materials to the people, they could have a better understanding for them to be able to use it on their applications of the things they learn inside the technological curriculum.Analyzing and looking closely to the real needs of the students by simply looking at their capabilities and their potential, they could have a better hold on the situation and therefore would result to their learning based on the teaching goals, with the incorporation of high technology.Part IIResearch and Evaluation in Educat ionFollowing some ethical consideration, it is of utmost important to protect the welfare of the subject. Whatever the research or the study is, it is always the priority to ensure that you do not violate any human rights or even invade their privacy without their consent. To be able to do this, it is necessary to ask for informed consent to each subject and to tell them the nature of the study. They should know what it is all about, the risk that that they would encounter.By taking the consent of the human subject, they should know all the necessary things, the purpose to be able to avoid deception. There are many groups that claim it is unethical to hide the purpose of the study to the subject.Although some believe that it could alter the result, therefore, it is the responsibility of the researcher to minimize the errors and the biases. Next thing is, they should have the right to ask question or to stop anywhere in the study. They may encounter situation that they think they can ’t handle or bring a lot of stress to them.Also, it is important for them to assure the confidentiality of their identity as the human subject for them to able to say freely and to go with the research without thinking any biases or judgment from external forces.In getting consent, they should sign a paper indicating his or her approval without forcing him or her. It is important to keep that document for the researcher to be able to prove the validity of the subject and also for the protection of the research. That consent should tell the purpose, the study, the institution and also, should indicate the name of the subject and the researcher. With that, both parties should affix their signature for it a valid evidence of the study.The result of the research should be available to the subjects for them to know what they did and their actual performance. It is their primary right to know the result for them to know if there is a deception that happened. Also, debriefing is the last stage of the research.They should debrief the subjects and explain to them what happened and the tell them again the nature of the study, the purpose of gathering data for them to have an understanding and necessary information for that research.Organization and Administration of Adult Education ClassesObjectives:1.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   To learn the function of parts of the brain- *select level*2.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   To be able to analyze different level of thinking *select level*3.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   To be able to learn different hormones responsible for cognitive processes *select level*The first objective can be taught through visual demonstration and the use of familiar words for them to be able to easily understand the facts and the concepts they learn.By providing instructional materials that will make them appreciate the learning and the system that were being introduced, they will have an easier understanding of the subject itself. Also, another technique in demonstrat ing the information is to use familiar pictures or associating it with familiar scenarios that demonstrate the use of every part.The second objective can be taught by simply letting them experience the concepts that lie behind different levels of thinking. By exposing them to the theories and to the concepts that is associated with it, they can devise their own way of understanding the subject and at the same time, learn the lesson.Since different levels of thinking involve an actual process, students can easily absorb the lesson if they will have the proper hands on experience for them to be able to relate the lesson in their everyday experiences.The third objective of learning can be achieved through the use of different processes that the hormone is involved and relating it to almost same process existing I the environment that is familiar to the student for them to incorporate the idea with that process. In doing that they can easily understand not only the concept but also the process itself and its importance in the cognitive thinking.Program Development Process in Adult EducationSince adult education involves the interaction between several minds with prior experiences and information, it is important to devise different strategies and activities that will culminate their knowledge and at the same time, open a possibility of discovering new branch of information that would be beneficial to every one concerned.Before the teaching process, since the transfer of information requires not only the information to be transferred but the medium in which the information will be processed, it is important to centralize the idea to fit the prior information known by the adult to be taught. This is a vital process because it will involve not only the parties concerned but also the environment in which the transfer of learning will take place.Before the desired process, proper orientation and preparation is needed to prepare the possible scenario for each parties in volved. By incorporating the core knowledge in which the processes involved are integrated, it will result to an environment suited to the exchange of knowledge.After they had been introduced to the topics presented, they should be debriefed and tell them the general perspective of the process for them to able to use the implication and the possible outcome of the process. By involving their critical analysis to the subject, it would result to an understanding of the matter.To be able to execute the desired objective of the learning process, it is important to assess at the end if there are certain information that seem to be difficult for them to comprehend or seen irrelevant to their experiences. By letting them view the difference between the prior knowledge they have and the introduced topic, it would result to a better perception and transferring of the knowledge needed.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Do Societies Choose to Fail or Survive Essay

The society is a very important aspect on the life of any human. The very definition of the term society which is entwined on the aspect of relationships of a group of people, who depend on each other in either way make it to be of utmost importance. When viewed in broader terms, the society depicts people in a certain region and most certainly has common bonds such as culture, language or any other factors that brings them together. It is therefore common knowledge to note that although the society has the gist of prospering, other societies have fallen and the question that arises is whether a society chooses to fail or survive. Various arguments have been put across with some of the hardliners taking passionate stands on what they believe in with regard to the prosperity or failure of a society (Diamond, 2005). One of the authors who has been vocal in examining the survival of societies Jareed Diamond, probes why some of the societies in the past were able to survive and why some feel out rightly. The author bases his research mainly on concentrating on the past right to the modern world. In his award winning book titled Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Survive, the author in the prologue states that the book â€Å"employs the comparative method to understand societal collapses to which environmental problems contribute†. The author in writing this book tends to offer a historical context of societies that have on the â€Å"collapse or survival† of the society. The author thus seems to argue that â€Å"input† variables have significant effect on the â€Å"output† (Diamond, 2005). The author highlights some of the factors that have in the past been culprits in collapse of societies. Some of them are overfishing, overpopulation, deforestation and others. He also goes further to include factors that may in the future aid in the survival or collapse of societies. The author uses the Anasazi collapse to put forward his arguments on why societies fail at sometimes. The Anasazi who are a Native American society are used by the author to clearly illustrate the link between population growth and environmental damage directly to the collapse of the Anasazi. The author as he tries to highlight is that the warfare that took place was not a significant contributor to the failure of this society (Diamond, 2005). Another incisive and highly critical book of how society thrives is the book Questioning Collapse: Human Resilience, Ecological Vulnerability and the Aftermath of Empire. The book which has an impressive number of 15 scholarly scientists, provide an incisive look at this issue with each of the personalities contributing significantly. The authors of this book borrow appraise Diamonds work and use his â€Å"provoking inquiries† to give their valuable insights into this issue (Norman and McAnamy, 2010). Another highly critical and analytical book Marketing Conquest and the Vanishing Indian: an Indigenous Response to Jared Diamond’s Archaeology of the American Southwest, the book tries to respond to Diamond’s work. The essay seems to suggest that Diamond’s are some of the most important aspects with regards to conquest. In Diamonds books, he seems to suggest that â€Å"colonialization and conquest† were what he refers to as ‘accident’ and that modern collapses of various societies can be avoided by studying the root causes of these earlier conflicts. This essay is a direct response to Diamonds assumptions and it mainly questions the authenticity of his assumptions and comes to the conclusion that diamonds are actually an important aspect of conquest. References: Diamond, J (2005). â€Å"Prologue. † Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Survive. New York: Penguin —. â€Å"The Ancient Ones: The Anasazi and Their Neighbors. † Chapter 4 of Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed. New York: Penguin, 2005. McAnamy, P. A. and Norman Y (2010). Questioning Collapse: Human Resilience, Ecological Vulnerability and the Aftermath of Empire. New York: Cambridge UP, 1-20 Wilcox, M. â€Å"Marketing Conquest and the Vanishing Indian: An Indigenous Response to Jared Diamond’s Archaeology of the American Southwest. † Eds.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Example of a Process Analysis Essay

Example of a Process Analysis Essay In this short essay, a student explains the process of crabbing- that is, the steps involved in catching river crabs. Read (and enjoy) this student composition, and then respond to the discussion questions at the end. How to Catch River Crabs by Mary Zeigler As a lifelong crabber (that is, one who catches crabs, not a chronic complainer), I can tell you that anyone who has patience and a great love for the river is qualified to join the ranks of crabbers. However, if you want your first crabbing experience to be a successful one, you must come prepared. First, you need a boat, but not just any boat. I recommend a 15-foot-long fiberglass boat complete with a 25-horsepower motor, extra gas in a steel can, two 13-foot-long wooden oars, two steel anchors, and enough cushions for the entire party. You will also need scoops, crab lines, a sturdy crate, and bait. Each crab line, made from heavy-duty string, is attached to a weight, and around each weight is tied the baita slimy, smelly, and utterly grotesque chicken neck. Now, once the tide is low, you are ready to begin crabbing. Drop your lines overboard, but not before you have tied them securely to the boat rail. Because crabs are sensitive to sudden movements, the lines must be slowly lifted until the chicken necks are visible just below the surface of the water. If you spy a crab nibbling the bait, snatch him up with a quick sweep of your scoop. The crab will be furious, snapping its claws and bubbling at the mouth. Drop the crab into the wooden crate before it has a chance to get revenge. You should leave the crabs brooding in the crate as you make your way home. Back in your kitchen, you will boil the crabs in a large pot until they turn a healthy shade of orange. Just remember to keep the crab pot covered. Finally, spread newspapers over the kitchen table, deposit the boiled crabs on the newspaper and enjoy the most delicious meal of your life. Questions for Discussion Define each of the following words as they are used in this essay: chronic, grotesque, brooding.In the introductory paragraph, has the writer clearly identified the skill to be taught and provided enough background information for readers to know when, where, and why this skill may be practiced?Has the writer provided necessary warnings in appropriate places?Is the list of needed materials (in paragraph two) clear and complete?Have the steps in paragraph three been arranged in the exact order in which they are to be carried out?Has the writer explained each step clearly and used appropriate transitional expressions to guide readers smoothly from one step to the next?Is the concluding paragraph effective? Explain why or why not. Does the conclusion make it clear how readers will know if they have carried out the procedures correctly?Offer an overall evaluation of the essay, pointing out what you think are its strengths and weaknesses.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Comedy and Plautus Essays

Comedy and Plautus Essays Comedy and Plautus Paper Comedy and Plautus Paper Aulularia is a comedic play written by Titus Maccius Plautus during a time when Athens was one of, if not the most powerful city-states in all of Europe. For this great society, historians use literary works to research and understand what the period was like. Aulularia is great play that can help historians investigate how slaves were, through Plautus’ humor you can catch how marriage and pro-creation is done and viewed in Ancient Athens. Titus Maccius Plautus, born sometime around 254 B. C. E. , (died in 185 B. C. E. in the village of Umbria was not always known as the famous comedic play-writer, but instead as the wandering miller. However, in his early age he is thought to have fled his hometown and made it as a carpenter/mechanic on the Roman stages (Plautus, Titus M, Aulularia). Plautus was in the great Roman army; there he was exposed to the Greek New Comedy and the plays of Menander (Plautus, Wikipedia). It wasn’t until around the age of 45 where he began writing plays while working his hand-mill, grinding corn for the households (Plautus, Wikipedia). Plautus’ work was simply Latin adaptations of this genre of comedy. The people of Rome found everyday life very entertaining (Titus Maccius Plautus, Theatre Database). While writing these plays he had to keep in mind that most of the audience was very un-educated. However, one thing that all Romans had in common was home and family life. Jokes were made about family life and stereotyped personalities. While politics didn’t make there way into these plays, the gods did. It was somewhat controversial in the way his characters portrayed the gods. Characters in stories can almost always be compared to a god, which left him accused of teaching the public indifference and mockery towards the gods. It was interesting how upper class citizens belittled the gods and soldiers ridiculed them. All the while pimps, courtesans, and parasites praised the gods. Plays were never the only entertainment occurring at a given time, which forced Plautus to compete for people’s attention against chariot races, horse races, and boxing matches (Plautus, Wikipedia). He would go to great measures to entertain his audiences and demand their attention. New Greek Comedy had plenty of slaves in their works usually being quite clever while playing the antagonist. However, Plautus used the slaves in his work a little differently in which they had much larger and active roles. Slaves were moved much further into the front of the action as a main character. This was Plautus’ best tactic in creating humor because people found it funny that slaves tricked their masters or compared themselves to gods. The inversion of roles by a devious and witty slave was comical and it wasn’t difficult to create a plot from there (Plautus, Titus Maccius, Theatre Database). Aulularia is a comedic play that takes place in present Athens (in relation to Plautus. ) Euclio (main character) is a very poor, older gentleman that lives in Athens. Euclio’s Household God blessed him by causing Euclio to discover the treasure in his home. However, soon you realize this is hardly a blessing because he obsesses over it, keeping it safe and pretty much ostracizes himself from the rest of the community (Konstan). Megadorus a very wealthy, older gentleman decides that he would like to marry Phaedria, Euclio’s daughter. At first Euclio is very skeptical of Megadorus because there is no reason an older rich man of Athens like himself, would want to marry a very poor mans daughter. The paranoid Euclio strongly believes that Megadorus knows of his gold. In a way he forgets about this when Megadorus tells him there is no need for a dowry to go along with the wedding that would happen that same day. Excited by this Euclio accepts the offer but no longer trusts that his home will be safe for his gold. He moves the gold to the temple of Fides. Strobilus (Lyconides’ slave) overhears Euclio talking and begins looking for the gold. When Euclio returns he beats the slave and threatens him. Euclio has no trust in Fides and decides to move it completely out of the city to a grove of Silvanus. Strobilus is all the while out of sight but keeps an eye on Euclio and when the time was right he went and stole the gold. Euclio returns and nothing is there and is absolutely crushed. Shortly after this Lyconides approaches him and informs him that the engagement of Megadorus and Phaedria. From here Lyconides explains that he has wronged his daughter at Ceres’ festival and asks her hand in marriage. Lyconides then comes across Strobilus who comes out and tells his master that he has found gold. The rest of the script has been lost but it is said that Lyconides returns the stolen gold to Euclio, who then gives Lyconides permission to marry his daughter. As a wedding present Euclio gives the gold to Phaedria and Lyconides (Plautus). The sole reason why Plautus created this play was for entertainment and he failed in his businesses. He became a play writer at 45 and brought a new wave of entertainment to Rome. â€Å"At all costs, he kept the pot of action boiling, the stream of gags and puns and cheap slapstick flowing. Anything to make the audience laugh and keep them from peeking in on the boxing match next-door† (Titus Maccius Plautus, Imagi-nation. com). In Aulularia you can see that he doesn’t particularly think highly of the upper class. Megadorus is a much older man but wants to ask Euclio’s young daughter Phaedria’s hand in marriage. This is out of lust with no regard to the social conflict. Megadorus seems so desperate for the young â€Å"flesh† that he is breaking the old tradition of a dowry. Also in Aulularia, he exhibits slaves to be much smarter than any Roman man in this play. Euclio is the poor victim who only wants his gold to be safe but cannot find a proper hiding place without having a peaceful mind. Despite the viewers finding this very comical, this has something to do with the fact that Plautus was not always wealthy and it took him a long time before he was living comfortably (Plautus). Aulularia says a great deal about the time period in Athens. Euclio was a metic in Athens, he a has permanent residency in the States but is not considered a citizen (Kempf). Euclio was very poor and really had nothing of value except for his gold. He lived a very un-easy way of life because he was paranoid that his gold would be taken from him. He lived in constant struggle and great poverty. Pythodicus says from the play, â€Å"Why, I tell you he begins bawling to heaven and earth to witness that hes bankrupt, gone to everlasting smash, the moment a puff of smoke from his beggarly fire manages to get out of his house. Why, when he goes to bed he strings a bag over his jaws. † Pythodicus is being a bit dramatic, but nonetheless, Euclio has to just hope that he lives to see another day because it is a constant struggle to put food on the table. Aulularia was a piece of literature that can really say something about slavery during these times. Athenians felt that they were superior to slaves in every aspect of life, but it showed that they could be devious and witty. Every slave featured in this play (Staphyla, Pythoidcus, Strobilus) seems to have some a decent amount of intelligence. Euclio’s old slave Staphyla, responded to him when told to watch the house by saying, â€Å"You aren’t afraid anyone will walk away with the house are you? I vow we’ve got nothing else there for the thieves to take- a full of emptiness as it is, and cobwebs. This was very surprising coming from someone who was threatened just moments before (Plautus). Megadorus slave Pythodicus. As noted before he is explaining how poor Euclio is and jokes about it with the cooks for the wedding. He is also the person who is overlooking the cooks and making sure everything goes as planned. This could job can only be given to someone truste d and responsible enough to carry out the task at hand (Plautus). Strobilus outsmarts Euclio and knows that he has a pot of gold that he is hiding. When he sees Euclio leaves the temple of Fides he sees him leave the city walls and climbs a tree well out of sight. He waits until after Euclio has left and digs up the pot of gold for himself. Strobilus even abandons his lookout for his master Lyconides to fetch this gold with the high hopes of buying his freedom (Plautus). The way marriage is done in Athens during this time was much different than the way that Megadorus goes about it. The Athenian marriage was an agreement between the bride’s father and the groom and sometimes the father’s brother (Kempf). This was the case in Aulularia. However the bride is supposed to give up all of her toys, and her hair is to be cut. On the night before the wedding the bride and groom take ritual baths and sang hymns to Hymen. The father was to make sacrifices to Hera, Zeus, Artemis, Aphrodite, and Peitho (The Women of Athens). None of these rituals were even mentioned in the play by Plautus. In the play the marriage was taking place within only a few hours of agreement between Euclio and Megadorus. This part of the play was not a good way to study the way marriage was handled in Athens during this time period. However the ending (or what remains of the ending) gives a much better idea of how the process is done. Lyconides another poor man, asks Euclio if he can marry his daughter. It was much more realistic for people to get married within their same social classes (Hunt, etc. all 98). In addition to this more realistic marriage proposal, Euclio’s dowry is the gold. In Athens during this time it was necessary for the father of the daughter to provide a dowry to the future husband (Kempf). Plautus instilled a lusty old man in almost all of his work for entertainment and this was no different in Aulularia. The old Athenian Megadorus wanted to marry Phaedria out of pure lust, and the thought of having â€Å"young flesh. † Eunomia says to Megadorus in Aulularia â€Å"Something that will make for you everlasting welfare. You should have children- God grand you may- and I want you to marry. † â€Å"Oh-h-h, murder! † Megadorus responds. In no way did Megadorus want children or have anything to do with the matter. In Athens it was the job of every man and woman to pro-create (Kempf). This does not give you the indication that this is the case at all and again is a poor piece of literature to use as a source for Athenian life back during this time period. However, if they take into consideration that this play is a comedy and this was one of the ways Plautus provided entertainment they would realize it is a mockery. This shows that Athenians looked down upon this behavior and it was not the â€Å"status quo† in Athenian society. Aulularia is a great piece of work to analyze when it comes to slavery, marriage, and pro-creation. Plautus’ work will go down as one of the great Athenian comedies and serve as a fantastic piece of documentation on Athenian society during this time period.